Monday, July 1, 2013


So...Here we are in the first blush of SUMMER! It's a time to spread wings, see what the world (or next street over) has in store for us. It's a time for campfires and guitar playing and reading  and love and skateboarding and running and BEACH-BEACH-BEACH! Surfboards, Surfmats, Hand Planes, Bodyboards....ah!! All of that includes the love of Ohana and the sharing of our spiritual/physical bonds. One of my main activities in summer is art. I've been a an art FRENZY lately to be honest. I'll credit a few folks like Christine Brailsford, Santos, Trey, Jas Sage, Eric Nielsen, Surf Sista, Matt Beard, Bruce Cowan, Kim, Isis Aquarian, Doze Green, Matt Kish, Bruce MacKenzie, Kim, Vivienne Strauss, Barry McGee, Thomas Campbell, Ed Lewis, JP St Pierre, Visual SD, John Van Hamersveld, Arabic Graffiti, Nathan Gibbs, Kristin Genna, John Salcido, Stephen O'Malley, Terry Riley and the spiritual guidance of Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquait! WHEW...that's a lot to take in. But I swear to you all that in one way or another you are all represented here. Either a kind word or a suggestion or a collaboration or simply seeing what you do and taking DEEP inspiration. THANK YOU! All that being said here's a culling of the recent scratches and scribbles. I hope they bring you at least some of the joy I felt spending time making them! 

Thinker from The Dreamtime

Anatomy of The Saint

Inter-Dimensional Dance Mask


We Wait. We Watch.

Between The Known and The Unknown


The Golem

Spirit Figure for Akira Kurosawa

Weeping God

Yoruban Visitation

Sun God

King David Bowie



The Eternal Work

Heroic Entity 



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